Hope Unlimited


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30 Days of Prayer 2019

Day 2: Rhai

My first memory of this skinny, small-for-his-age kid is being kicked out of a friendly soccer game for his temper. As he sat on the sidelines fuming, Rhai refused to talk to me. I also remember him strutting his stuff down the corridors of the mall on one of our birthday outings...
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30 Days of Prayer 2019

Day 1: Felix

I got the door to hear the words I always dread: "Tia (aunt), I'm coming to say goodbye." I knew I was supposed to be happy for Felix. He was happy because the judge was re-integrating him back to his family. But you can imagine my concern, knowing the sister who had worked hard to gain guardianship was already a single mom, and only 18...
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30 Days of Prayer 2019

It All Starts Friday!

"Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be...
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Digging Deeper

Street Children: A Global Epidemic

It is clear that street children in Brazil are at a mortal risk, and every member of Hope Unlimited is...
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Digging Deeper

The Meaning of Dirty Faith

When I first looked at the large title on the cover of David Z. Nowell’s book, the startling juxtaposition of...
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Digging Deeper

Faith and Passion: Creating a Pathway for Outstanding Achievement

When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears, and rescues them from all their troubles. Psalm 34:17 When we...
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We Believe in the Power of Prayer
Digging Deeper

We Believe in the Power of Prayer

Okay, I’ll admit it: I have never been one to sit still and pray for great lengths of time. I...
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Digging Deeper

Where it all Began:  A Story of Struggle and Hope

Brazil, a country commonly associated with beautiful beaches, majestic mountains, and wealthy cities, has a less pleasant side to it...
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Digging Deeper

What Does it Mean to be an Orphan?

Many would consider the question to have a straightforward answer, but the reality of what these orphans experience reveals that...
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Fabio’s Story

Fabio is a vibrant Christian who is active in his church. He came to mind today because I just got...
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Celebrate Valentine’s Day With The Children at Hope!
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Celebrate Valentine’s Day With The Children at Hope!

For young girls and boys who end up on the streets of Brazil, abuse and exploitation are all too common...
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Digging Deeper

Join Us For 30 Days of Prayer

In the last 26 years of serving mortal-risk children, we have seen God display His power in response to earnest...
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Christianity Today Features Hope Unlimited
Graduate Transition

Christianity Today Features Hope Unlimited

Christianity Today included perspectives in worldwide orphan care—its history and its future—in its July issue. The direction of the orphan-care...
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Raising a Generation of Godly Fathers

Raising a Generation of Godly Fathers

AUTHOR: David Z. Nowell As Father's Day approaches, I think of our graduates—many now fathers whose lives testify to the...
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Mortal-risk children and residential care
Digging Deeper

Mortal-risk children and residential care

AUTHOR: David Z. Nowell Eventually, eventually, the story gets okay, but it has a lot of twists and turns to...
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Five Contexts Where Residential Care Works
Digging Deeper

Five Contexts Where Residential Care Works

AUTHOR: David Z. Nowell A lot of folks are not going to like this post—but these things have to be...
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Digging Deeper


AUTHOR:  David Z. Nowell I've spent a significant amount of time lately thinking about fences. Far too much, actually. Susan...
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The Face of True Religion
Digging Deeper

The Face of True Religion

AUTHOR: David Z. Nowell Reading Micah 6 this week.  Really glad he is a minor prophet.  I don’t think we...
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Beyond the Walls
Digging Deeper

Beyond the Walls

AUTHOR: David Z. Nowell Watched an old Tony Randall movie over the weekend. Paul Douglas, playing farmer Pop Larkin, responded...
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Grace and Works
Digging Deeper

Grace and Works

AUTHOR:  David Z. Nowell Talking about grace and works in Sunday school, using Peterson’s book on Ephesians. I get the...
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