Hope Unlimited


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30 Days of Prayer 2019

Day 22: The Good Fight

Henrique and Simone were newlyweds when they accepted the call as residential coordinators. During that time they had Samuel. Later, they tragically miscarried at 8 months. Through it all they kept loving and parenting their special flock of former street girls, modeling how to deal with joys, celebrations, and pain.
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30 Days of Prayer 2019

Day 21: Hope’s Heroes

I flew into São Paulo to visit Hope Unlimited, which was started as an answer to the hopelessness of street children. Most have been so severely traumatized, abused, and taken advantage of that they can barely grasp the concept of "home" or "family." Imagine yourself at 8, 10, 12 years old, and all you've seen or known of adults is physical abuse. Sexual perversion. Rape. This is your absolute and definitive frame of reference.
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30 Days of Prayer 2019

Day 20: Natalia, part 2

As I prayed for Natalia yesterday and reflected on our relationship, it dawned on me that when we talk about our success stories it may seem the transformation is immediate. But in reality, it is a generational ministry. Just like with biological children, it takes years and years of investment. Only through time can you tell if the Father will say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant.” Patience. Not one of my stronger qualities. I became nostalgic remembering the young Natalha.
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30 Days of Prayer 2019

Day 19: Natalia, part 1

We arrived together. New to the Hope family. I was Philip's new girlfriend, soon to be fiancée. Natalha, 12, had just been sent to our program from another state. For some reason, we connected. She understood my communication. Exaggerated hand gestures accompanied by infantile "Spanglish." Thus, she became my interpreter, of sorts.
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30 Days of Prayer 2019

Day 18: Stepping Out

As valedictorian of her graduating class, Estefania made a speech which summarized her past life, her future aspirations, and her very real anxiety about leaving.  "I never thought I would be able to overcome the things that happened in my life: the grief of being separated from my siblings and the daily struggles of getting by. I was very angry at life because of the loss and bad memories. I finally reached the bottom of the well, knowing I'd reached my human limit of endurance, and thinking there was no more hope.
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30 Days of Prayer 2019

Day 17: Second Chance

Every non-profit dreams of being fully funded. To be relieved of the pressure of the (gulp) "ask." Our offices were on a main road in a good part of town, and we often received donations we could not use. Why not open a thrift shop? It seemed to work. Then we got more strategic about it, actively soliciting donations. First there was one store. Then two. Then someone thought, what about people who are remodeling their homes? What do they do with their old cabinets or tiles? A larger space was rented, and another type of thrift shop was born.
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30 Days of Prayer 2019

Day 16: New Kid in Town

Today's prayer is for the children as they arrive. Philip's memory of one recent arrival, Janaina, summarizes it well. Janaina, eight years old, had been with us only two months. Not only did she not talk, but she seemed incapable of smiling. Her mother had abandoned her and her little sister in front of a church.
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30 Days of Prayer 2019

Day 15: Roger

Where Roger came from is not nearly as important as where he is going. He has a plan. He's smart, cute, compassionate, and willing to put out the effort. That doesn't mean he was always cooperative about chores, or didn't tease his housemates. He's a teenage boy. 
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30 Days of Prayer 2019

Day 14: Fernando, part 2

Fernando, the House Parents Coordinator we prayed for yesterday, recently spoke at a staff meeting of particularly discouraged house parents. It happens. I wasn't in the meeting, but what I can say is the same slump-shouldered house parents left the meeting with their heads high, giving high fives, and ready to face another day. I asked Fernando to summarize what he had said, and this is what he sent me
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30 Days of Prayer 2019

Day 13: Fernando, part 1

Fernando was a legendary House Parent Coordinator in Campinas. After many years, he left to head up his family’s trucking business in Rio de Janeiro. That was a decade ago, but my heart never really released him from service. He was a kid whisperer. 
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30 Days of Prayer 2019

Day 12: Alex

You know that feeling when someone listens to you so intently you feel their stare will bore holes in you? Even as a teenager, that's the way Alex was in church. His tattered and well-highlighted Bible first caught my attention. Then I observed how earnestly he wanted to learn everything he could about the Word.
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30 Days of Prayer 2019

Day 11: Marcos

It's pretty flattering when someone offers to take a significant pay cut to work for you. But that's the dedication of Marcos. He ran our auto body repair course until 2006, when economic woes forced us to cut back. He went on to get a job at Renault, practicing what he used to teach, but for a much higher salary.
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30 Days of Prayer 2019

Day 10: The Road Less Traveled

Laura Alte has made two trips to Brazil to volunteer at Hope. Last year, she brought her entire family. And she is amazing. She married Alan, adopting his daughter Shannon (who dreams of working for Hope some day). They had three kids of their own. Then, due to a trauma in their extended family, they  suddenly became the guardians of three more children under the age of 10!...
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30 Days of Prayer 2019

Day 9: Bootprints in the Boca

The view from my kitchen window at the youth ranch is beautiful. Green, lush hills, sprinkled with tall palm trees that sway in the wind, heavy with coconuts begging to be picked. But just beyond the palm trees, in the distance, I can see little houses: the "boca," or mouth—the most dangerous part of the slum...
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30 Days of Prayer 2019

Day 8: João Pedro

Getting a call in the middle of the night is never good. But when the call is from thousands of miles away, it's even worse. I was in the United States, and João Pedro was on the line from Brazil,  moaning in agony, and begging for help...
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30 Days of Prayer 2019

Day 7: Cristian

It seems like Cristian has been with us forever. He’s a cute, spunky kid with a bit of a Napoleon complex and a charming smile; but he has a huge chip on his shoulder. At 14, Cristian left us to be adopted by a well-to-do Christian family...
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30 Days of Prayer 2019

Day 6: Nicolas

"It's not that they don't want you," I heard myself say to Nicolas. He was sitting on the edge of the sofa, while I knelt down beside him, trying to gaze directly into his grief-stricken eyes. I struggled for the words to finish this sentence. I understood both sides...
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30 Days of Prayer 2019

Day 5: Emeliano

Life is messy. And people in ministry are broken, impulsive and struggling—just like everyone else. Several of our staff are former street kids, and have struggled with addiction. For some, their only "crime" was to be orphaned. Others have had more sordid pasts...
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30 Days of Prayer 2019

Day 4: Jonas

I'm always mystified when Jonas texts me. He was tough as nails when he first arrived, but a year later he had transformed into a charming 15-year-old. He starting doing well in school, and he quickly picked up the violin, even traveling with our little band...
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30 Days of Prayer 2019

Day 3: Michelle

Michelle, our cosmetology course instructor, is Miss Congeniality. She's a great teacher and takes a real interest in her students. When she and her husband took young graduate Rhai under their wing (remember him from yesterday's prayer?)...
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