Hope Unlimited recognizes that the faithful support of its donors and investors is truly the life of this organization. This policy is intended to nourish and protect the relationship with donors and investors.


Section 1. Donor Data

Donor data may be used for these purposes:


  1. Informing donors about upcoming fundraising and other activities 
  2. Distributing receipts and thanking donors for donations
  3. Internal analysis, such as research and analytics
  4. Record keeping
  5. Reporting to applicable government agencies as required by law
  6. Surveys, metrics, and other analytical purposes

Hope Unlimited does not publish, sell, trade, or rent donor data. Comments provided by donors may be publicly published and may be used in promotional materials only with prior consent of donors.


Section 2. Financial Information

Hope Unlimited limits access to financial information to professional staff who need to process that information for the purposes described above. Personal financial information is not sold to or traded with other parties.

Donations to Hope Unlimited are processed internally by professional staff to ensure a particularly high level of security and confidentiality utilizing two-step authentication to login to all programs and devices.


Section 3. Security

Hope Unlimited is committed to protecting donor personal information from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. Among other things, Hope Unlimited undertakes a range of security practices, including measures to help secure web access to sensitive data, and undertakes efforts to address security vulnerabilities for various tools and databases.


Section 4. Other Disclosures

Hope Unlimited may disclose information when required by law; when needed to protect our rights, privacy, safety, property, donors, or users.


Section 5. Updates

Hope Unlimited may change the Donor Privacy Policy from time to time. Substantive changes will be announced through the standard mechanisms by which we communicate with our users and community.


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