10 Things We Bet You Didn’t Know About Hope Unlimited

Getting your knowledge out there is truly a gift to the world. It’s truly something you do so well.

-Claire Henderson
Hands Holding Hearts Ministry, Philippines

Did you know…

Hope Unlimited touches lives around the world?

What’s the secret recipe for a 92% success rate in turning a street kid into a working, married, law-abiding, contributing member of society? Many orphanages around the world want to know. Founder Jack Smith’s dream was to hang a sign on our door that read: “Please Copy.” Hope Institute was started to fulfill that dream, using nearly 50 years of learning since Jack Smith founded the first project for street Kids in Ethopia in 1971.

Hope Institute shares our proven curriculum and methodology to help transform safe houses for kids into dynamic programs that mentor youth through the tough years, into adulthood, and beyond. Fully operational for the past two years, Hope Institute has engaged in hands-on training in El Salvador, Guatemala, and the Philippines. And that’s just the beginning! They have also conducted training seminars for the leaders of youth programs from more than 20 countries.

Did you know…

we aren’t just residential anymore?

Every day, the “Buses of Hope” transport 500 high-risk youth to our campus for up to 18 months of certified vocational training and job placement opportunities. We’ve studied the needs of the marketplace and have carefully chosen technical courses that mirror the market’s vacancies.

Our day students are hungry, highly motivated, and very grateful. Most importantly, they experience God’s love in a tangible way at Hope Unlimited, and many decide to follow Him.

Did you know…

more than 75% of our program funding is raised locally?

It hasn’t always been that way. During our first fifteen years, local funding was almost non-existent. But we gradually earned recognition and increased local support. Some of our long-standing partners include 3M, IBM, Bosche, Rotary International, and Deloitte Tousche.

Did you know…

our most effective staff members were once street kids?

Nobody understands a street kid better than a former street kid. We recruit program graduates to work with us after they have had several years of “real-world” experience. By that time, they are often married with children. There is no substituting the passion of somebody who has “been there” and is now on the other side, able to give back. And nothing is more gratifying than partnering in ministry with our own grown-up children!

Did you know…

Hope Unlimited has received numerous local awards and commendations?

In 2017 alone, Hope Brazil received two official commendations from the Espirito Santo State Legislative Assembly and one from the City of Campinas. We are always grateful for the visibility this public recognition affords us, and we strive to be active participants in local affairs so that we can influence public policy affecting children. Hope Brazil staff members serve on multiple state and municipal commissions.

Did you know…

Hope Unlimited operates thrift stores in Brazil?

Having a recognized name in the local community helps Hope Unlimited receive a lot of donations. Whatever we cannot use is sold in our thrift stores, which are a source of sustainable support and enable a measure of self-sufficiency. This brings in over 30 percent of our local funding. Got some designer shoes? Donations accepted!

Did you know…

the primary admittance criteria at our Hope Mountain campus is being under death threat?

It is hard to imagine that our sweet, lovable boys were once street thugs.

But most of the Hope Mountain boys have been used by local drug traffickers as “Aviaozinhos,” or little airplanes, transporting drugs for their bosses. The bosses try to get them addicted to drugs to ensure their loyalty. Eventually, something happens, and someone wants them dead. If they manage to escape, they seek protection from the authorities, who send them to us.

We are one of the few residential vocational training programs in the world to deal exclusively with this population. Tragically, many boys who dropped out of our program to return to the streets have been brutally executed.

Yet for those who complete the residential program, over 92% are employed and contributing members of society. Most importantly, they become loving and responsible parents to their own children—our ultimate criteria for success.

Did you know…

summer camp is a critical part of our ministry transformation?

The week away at camp is a spiritual retreat, a time of bonding, fun, and an opportunity to plant lifelong memories—the latter not to be taken for granted, as we serve children who have few happy memories to reflect back upon.

We are grateful for missions teams who raise funds and run the camps every year. Much like your own kids, many of our kids accept Christ during this week and enter the discipleship program.


Did you know…

Hope Unlimited’s ministry extends beyond the campus?

How could you concentrate on studying if you knew your mom and seven siblings were hungry at home? Caring for a child’s emotional needs often involves providing services to family members. We don’t hesitate to act when we encounter a special need, like making emergency repairs on a house or providing food staples.

One time, a neighborhood police officer wanted to talk to us about Giovani, one of our day students. He always looked nice, but was very reserved. The policeman invited Hope Unlimited’s co-founder and CEO, Philip Smith, to follow him to Giovani’s house—a tiny, one-room shack he shared with a special needs mom and seven siblings. There were gaping holes in the walls and roof, no sinks or running water, no furniture of any kind, and no privacy for a toilet stuck in the corner. Using groups of volunteers, we greatly improved the home—and Giovani’s peace of mind. He has come out of his shell and participates fervently in our worship services.

Did you know…

your gift does all the heavy lifting?

Our local support within Brazil is mostly designated to cover our “boring” costs, such as utility bills. But it takes more than electricity and water to transform the life of a child. Our most critical activities, such as evangelism, job training, and graduate transition, are paid for exclusively with your gifts.


The seeds planted with your investments bear fruit forever—through our graduates, their future generations, and all the lives they go on to touch and transform. And right now, every dollar sent to Brazil turns into four Reais, effectively quadrupling the impact of your gift.

A significant portion of our entire annual budget comes through end-of-the year contributions. The amount we receive each year determines how many lives we can touch. Please pray about what you may be able to do.

10 Things We Bet You Didn’t Know About Hope Unlimited

Getting your knowledge out there is truly a gift to the world. It’s truly something you do so well.

-Claire Henderson
Hands Holding Hearts Ministry, Philippines

Did you know…

Hope Unlimited touches lives around the world?

What’s the secret recipe for a 92% success rate in turning a street kid into a working, married, law-abiding, contributing member of society? Many orphanages around the world want to know. Founder Jack Smith’s dream was to hand a sign on our door that read: “Please Copy.” Hope Institute was started to fulfill that dream, using nearly 50 years of learning since Jack Smith founded the first project for street Kids in Ethopia in 1971.

Hope Institute shares our proven curriculum and methodology to help transform safe houses for kids into dynamic programs that mentor youth through the tough years, into adulthood, and beyond. Fully operational for the past two years, Hope Institute has engaged in hands-on training in El Salvador, Guatemala, and the Philippines. And that’s just the beginning! They have also conducted training seminars for the leaders of youth programs from more than 20 countries.

Did you know…

we aren’t just residential anymore?

Every day, the “Buses of Hope” transport 500 high-risk youth to our campus for up to 18 months of certified vocational training and job placement opportunities. We’ve studied the needs of the marketplace and have carefully chosen technical courses that mirror the market’s vacancies.

Our day students are hungry, highly motivated, and very grateful. Most importantly, they experience God’s love in a tangible way at Hope Unlimited, and many decide to follow Him.

Did you know…

more than 75% of our program funding is raised locally?

It hasn’t always been that way. During our first fifteen years, local funding was almost non-existent. But we gradually earned recognition and increased local support. Some of our long-standing partners include 3M, IBM, Bosche, Rotary International, and Deloitte Tousche.

Did you know…

our most effective staff members were once street kids?

Nobody understands a street kid better than a former street kid. We recruit program graduates to work with us after they have had several years of “real-world” experience. By that time, they are often married with children. There is no substituting the passion of somebody who has “been there” and is now on the other side, able to give back. And nothing is more gratifying than partnering in ministry with our own grown-up children!

Did you know…

Hope Unlimited has received numerous local awards and commendations?

In 2017 alone, Hope Brazil received two official commendations from the Espirito Santo State Legislative Assembly and one from the City of Campinas. We are always grateful for the visibility this public recognition affords us, and we strive to be active participants in local affairs so that we can influence public policy affecting children. Hope Brazil staff members serve on multiple state and municipal commissions.

Did you know…

Hope Unlimited operates thrift stores in Brazil?

Having a recognized name in the local community helps Hope Unlimited receive a lot of donations. Whatever we cannot use is sold in our thrift stores, which are a source of sustainable support and enable a measure of self-sufficiency. This brings in over 30 percent of our local funding. Got some designer shoes? Donations accepted!

Did you know…

the primary admittance criteria at our Hope Mountain campus is being under death threat?

It is hard to imagine that our sweet, lovable boys were once street thugs.

But most of the Hope Mountain boys have been used by local drug traffickers as “Aviaozinhos,” or little airplanes, transporting drugs for their bosses. The bosses try to get them addicted to drugs to ensure their loyalty. Eventually, something happens, and someone wants them dead. If they manage to escape, they seek protection from the authorities, who send them to us.

We are one of the few residential vocational training programs in the world to deal exclusively with this population. Tragically, many boys who dropped out of our program to return to the streets have been brutally executed.

Yet for those who complete the program, over 92% are employed and contributing members of society. Most importantly, they become loving and responsible parents to their own children—our ultimate criteria for success.


Did you know…

summer camp is a critical part of our ministry transformation?

The week away at camp is a spiritual retreat, a time of bonding, fun, and an opportunity to plant lifelong memories—the latter not to be taken for granted, as we serve children who have few happy memories to reflect back upon.

We are grateful for missions teams who raise funds and run the camps every year. Much like your own kids, many of our kids accept Christ during this week and enter the discipleship program.

Did you know…

Hope Unlimited’s ministry extends beyond the campus?

How could you concentrate on studying if you knew your mom and seven siblings were hungry at home? Caring for a child’s emotional needs often involves providing services to family members. We don’t hesitate to act when we encounter a special need, like making emergency repairs on a house or providing food staples.

One time, a neighborhood police officer wanted to talk to us about Giovani, one of our day students. He always looked nice, but was very reserved. The policeman invited Hope Unlimited’s co-founder and CEO, Philip Smith, to follow him to Giovani’s house—a tiny, one-room shack he shared with a special needs mom and seven siblings. There were gaping holes in the walls and roof, no sinks or running water, no furniture of any kind, and no privacy for a toilet stuck in the corner. Using groups of volunteers, we greatly improved the home—and Giovani’s peace of mind. He has come out of his shell and participates fervently in our worship services.


Did you know…

your gift does all the heavy lifting?

Our local support within Brazil is mostly designated to cover our “boring” costs, such as utility bills. But it takes more than electricity and water to transform the life of a child. Our most critical activities, such as evangelism, job training, and graduate transition, are paid for exclusively with your gifts.

The seeds planted with your investments bear fruit forever—through our graduates, their future generations, and all the lives they go on to touch and transform. And right now, every dollar sent to Brazil turns into four Reais, effectively quadrupling the impact of your gift.

A significant portion of our entire annual budget comes through end-of-the year contributions. The amount we receive each year determines how many lives we can touch. Please pray about what you may be able to do.

Give Hope

You can provide a home, a family, and a future for a child of the streets.

Here are some practical examples:

  • $25 – new student welcome kit
  • $45 – transportation for one vocational student
  • $75 – birthday celebration for three students
  • $100 – course supplies for an entire vocational class

Change a life today, and the impact will last for generations.
