
Residential Care

With our residential care model, we recognize that while food, clothing and shelter are important, they are not enough. Most care models fail to meet a child’s greatest need of a stable, loving family and poorly serve children who have suffered trauma. We are not an institution. We are family. In the context of our loving homes and experienced staff, children receive the support they need to reclaim lost childhoods and begin to build successful futures.

Vocational Training

Through award-winning vocational training, our children gain confidence and skills to disrupt generational cycles of poverty. Hope Unlimited residents and day students from nearby slums master courses in human resources, culinary arts, auto body repair, computer technology, and cosmetology. They learn marketable skills and earn meaningful jobs upon graduation. Eventually, they change the course of their lives—and those of their future generations.

Graduate Transition

Graduate transition is the most critical time in our children’s lives. We’re devoted to guiding our kids through this transition—and it works. After completing our program, 92% of our residential graduates are employed and securely established. Through life skills classes, internships, job placement and mentoring, graduates become self-sufficient leaders, working to change their lives and communities.



Residential Care

With our residential care model, we recognize that while food, clothing and shelter are important, they are not enough. Most care models fail to meet a child’s greatest need of a stable, loving family and poorly serve children who have suffered trauma. We are not an institution. We are family. In the context of our loving homes and experienced staff, children receive the support they need to reclaim lost childhoods and begin to build successful futures.

Vocational Training

Through award-winning vocational training, our children gain confidence and skills to disrupt generational cycles of poverty. Hope Unlimited residents and day students from nearby slums master courses in human resources, culinary arts, auto body repair, computer technology, and cosmetology. They learn marketable skills and earn meaningful jobs upon graduation. Eventually, they change the course of their lives—and those of their future generations.

Graduate Transition

Graduate transition is the most critical time in our children’s lives. We’re devoted to guiding our kids through this transition—and it works. After completing our program, 92% of our kids are employed and securely established. Through life skills classes, internships, job placement and mentoring, graduates become self-sufficient leaders, working to change their lives and communities.

Residential Programs

City of Youth Residential

Award-winning residential care for mortal-risk children in a family-style setting.

Hope Mountain

Residential care for mortal-risk boys in a family-style setting.

Casa Lares

Community homes outside of our main campuses where children who have no additional family are nurtured by house parents in a family-style setting.

Graduate Transition Homes

Hope graduates are placed in community-based homes to help them transition to responsible and independent living.

Vocational Programs

Day Student Program

Day Student Program—Students from nearby slums to attend award-winning vocational courses and learn marketable skills to launch them out of poverty—all while living with their families.

Human Resources Vocational Track

Course offerings in human resources and administrative skills that help students earn meaningful job upon graduation.

Culinary Arts Vocational Track

Course offerings for baking and cooking that will help students earn meaningful jobs upon graduation.

Auto Body Repair Vocational Track

Course offerings in auto body repair, painting, and overall care that empower students to earn meaningful jobs upon graduation.

Cosmetology Vocational Track

Course offerings in hair, skin, and nail care that help students earn meaningful jobs upon graduation.

Technology Courses

Supplemental course offerings that help students learn computer and technology skills.

Graduate Transition

Life Skills Classes

Students learn meaningful life skills in a classroom setting including etiquette and interview preparation. Community leaders and past Hope graduates offer guest lectures to inspire and equip them to follow in their footsteps.

Internship Program

Students preparing to graduate complete internships to taste independence, while still under the loving guidance of Hope staff.

Job Placement

Hope assists each graduate in finding meaningful employment. Hope’s long-standing relationships in the community help secure high-quality positions for our trained and eager graduates!

Mentoring Programs

All children at Hope are paired with adult members of their local community. These mentors visit Hope on special occasions and act as a community contact after graduation.

Church Programs

Graduate Churches

Congregations of former street children—graduates of Hope Unlimited—meet weekly near each Hope campus site. Completely funded and led by our graduate community, these congregations minister to nearby slums by distributing food baskets and welcoming new members into the family of Christ—and Hope.

Mission Trip Program

Teams from partner churches help further transform the life of our children by ministering and working alongside them. Visiting teams are often transformed themselves by learning what God is doing worldwide and learning to serve others in tangible ways.

Vision Trip Program

Organizational and church leaders visit Hope to learn more about Hope’s vision to see Hope graduates around the world become agents of transformation.

Hope Institute

Based on our quarter-century experience in residential programming, Hope Institute provides training for residential care practitioners throughout the world.

Give Hope

You can provide a home, a family, and a future for a child of the streets.

Here are some practical examples:

  • $25 – new student welcome kit
  • $45 – transportation for one vocational student
  • $75 – birthday celebration for three students
  • $100 – course supplies for an entire vocational class

Change a life today, and the impact will last for generations
