
You can give a variety of assets, please see below to learn more.

Gift of Cash 

One of the easiest and most common ways for you to support Hope Unlimited for Children is with a gift of cash. Cash can be used to support our work in the form of 

An outright gift. By making a cash gift by check, credit card ACH transfer from your bank account or money order today, once you enable Hope Unlimited for Children to meet our most urgent needs and carry out our mission on a daily basis. You will have the opportunity to see your generosity in action and will also receive a federal income tax charitable deduction when you itemize on your taxes

A payable on death (POD) account. A POD bank account or certificate of deposit names one or more persons or charities as the beneficiary of all funds one you, the account owner, pass away. The beneficiary you name has no rights to the funds until after your lifetime. Until that time, you remain in control and are free to use the money, change the beneficiary, or close the account


Appreciated Securities

Securities and mutual funds that have increased in value and been held for more than one year are popular assets to use when making a gift to Hope Unlimited for Children. Making a gift of securities or mutual funds offers you the chance to support our work while realizing important benefits for yourself.

When you donate appreciated securities or mutual funds in support of our mission, you can reduce or even eliminate federal capital gains taxes on the transfer. You may also be entitled to a federal income tax charitable deduction based on the fair market value of the securities at the time of the transfer.

Securities are most often used to support our work in the form of:

An outright gift. When you donate securities, you receive the same income tax savings that you would if you wrote a check, but with the added benefit of eliminating capital gains taxes on the transfer, which can be as high as 20%.

A transfer on death (TOD) account. By placing a TOD designation on your brokerage or investment account, that account will be paid to one or more persons or charities after your lifetime.


Beneficiary Designations

Make a Gift in a Few Easy Steps

Not everyone wants to commit to making a gift in their wills or estates. Some prefer the increased flexibility that a beneficiary designation provides by using:

  • IRAs and retirement plans
  • Life insurance policies
  • Donor advised funds
  • Commercial annuities

It is very simple to name Hope Unlimited for Children as a beneficiary. Start by requesting a beneficiary designation form. Name “Hope Unlimited for Children” as a beneficiary in any amount from 1 to 100%. Be sure to return your form to establish your gift intention.


Gift In Your Will Or Living Trust

Deepen Your Connections

You want to leave money to Hope Unlimited for Children in your will. You also want the flexibility to change your will in the event that life circumstances change. You can do both.

For more information about a biblical will, click here


Gift of Life Insurance

Powerful and Simple Way to Support Our Work

When the original purpose for a life insurance policy no longer applies—such as educating children now grown or providing financial security for a spouse—your policy can become a meaningful way to support our work. There are three ways to give life insurance to Hope Unlimited for Children:

Name us a beneficiary of the policy. This gift is as simple as updating your beneficiary designation form with the policy holder. You can designate us as the primary beneficiary for a percentage or specific amount. You can also make us the contingent beneficiary so that we will receive the balance of your policy only if your primary beneficiary doesn’t survive you.

Make an outright gift of an existing policy. You can name us as owner and beneficiary of an existing policy. You qualify for a federal income tax charitable deduction when you itemize on your taxes. If you continue to pay premiums on the policy, each payment is tax deductible as a charitable gift if you itemize.

Make an outright gift of a new policy. You can take out a new policy and irrevocably name Hope Unlimited for Children as the owner and the beneficiary of the insurance contract. This method may be particularly attractive for the younger donor. Whether you make one single premium payment for the policy or pay annual premiums, each payment is tax deductible as a charitable gift when you itemize on your taxes.


Living Trust 

Like a will, a living trust is a legal document that lets you distribute your possessions to people and organizations after you die. A living trust ownsthe property you put into it, while still allowing you to maintain control. You can put most types of assets into a living trust, as long as they have value


Charitable Remainder Trust

A charitable remainder trust is a taxexempt irrevocable trust designed to reduce the taxable income of individuals and support charities

Charitable Lead Trust 

A charitable lead trust is an irrevocable trust designed to provide financial support to one or more charities for a period of time, with the remaining assets eventually going to family members or other beneficiaries. Charitable lead trusts are often considered to be the inverse of a charitable remainder trust


Donor Advised Fund 

A donor-advised fund (DAF) is like a charitable savings account. It gives you the flexibility to recommend how much and how often money is granted to the charity of your choice


Real Estate

Transforming Realty to Gift Reality

Want to make a gift to Hope Unlimited for Children without touching your bank account? Consider giving us real estate, such as a personal residence, vacation home, farm, commercial property or undeveloped land. Such a generous gift helps us continue our work for years to come. And a gift of real estate also helps you. When you give Hope Unlimited for Children appreciated property you have held longer than one year, you qualify for a federal income tax charitable deduction and you may minimize or eliminate capital gains tax. And you no longer have to deal with that property’s maintenance costs, property taxes or insurance.

Another benefit: You don’t have to hassle with selling the real estate. You can deed the property directly to Hope Unlimited for Children or ask your attorney to add a few sentences in your will or trust agreement.


Smart Giving from Your IRA 

For those 701/2 years of age or older, you can give any amount up to $100,000 per year from your IRA directly to a qualified charity without having to pay income tax on the money. This gift option is commonly called the IRA charitable rollover, but it is also referred to as a qualified charitable distribution or QCD.


Whatever vehicle(s) seem to be most appropriate, please be guided by a trust and estate attorney licensed in your state along with your financial planner.

If you have any questions/comments or would like more information, use the form below.

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