What’s Happening Now

Visit Our Campuses!

Hope Unlimited provides church groups an opportunity to be a tangible part of what God is doing in Brazil by ministering to former street children, learning from our Brazilian staff about the harsh realities that face millions of children, and experiencing a new culture.

The Mission Team experience with Hope focuses on building relationships, expanding your world view, and serving through a “ministry of presence”.   Teams generally get involved in some type of “work projects”, but we don’t emphasize these projects as the primary goal of the trip.  We don’t want teams to take their focus off of building relationships and learning about ministry to street children and serving God in different cultures. Teams determined to complete a certain project might be disappointed if they failed to complete the project during their trip. Therefore, the type of work projects chosen are ongoing needs (painting, landscaping, light maintenance, etc.) and not construction – so the focus can remain on ministry and relationships as opposed to “getting the job done.”  Hope counts on work teams to perform this ongoing renovation.

The work is important, however.  The witness of coming to Brazil, getting dirty, and working hard is a very positive example for the children and community. The work is mixed with times of cultural exploration, interaction, fellowship, and ministry. We want team members to leave both knowledgeable and excited about overseas ministry, and ready to share with others about what God is doing around the world.  

If you are interested in bringing a team to visit us, please reach out to info@hopeunlimited.org for more information.


Exclusive WhatsApp Group Membership


If you have visited one or both of our campuses, the City of Youth and Hope Mountain, you know they are bustling places with day students coming and going by bus, field trips, music practice in the courtyard, and special activities there is a lot happening at all times.  We want our visitors to stay connected and up-to-date on it all.  

If you have come to Brazil to see us and want these exclusive photos and videos, reach out at info@hopeunlimited.org and we can send you information on how to join.  It is the only place where you can get up-to-the-minute photos and videos of all the fun and meaningful activities taking place.


Give Hope

You can provide a home, a family, and a future for a child of the streets.

Here are some practical examples:

  • $25 – new student welcome kit
  • $45 – transportation for one vocational student
  • $75 – birthday celebration for three students
  • $100 – course supplies for an entire vocational class

Change a life today, and the impact will last for generations
