Thrift store

We started a “project” of what would become our thrift stores in December of 2002 in which we sold clothes only for our staff every Friday, and on Saturdays we sold them for the local community next to the City of Youth campus. Nearly 17 years later, we run four thrift stores that generate over 30% of our Brazilian income. We just opened a coffee shop in May 2019, and there are plans to open a fifth store (the first in Vitória!) in the near future. We are grateful for all donations of gently used clothing, costume jewelry, and eyeglasses. Contact us if you’d like to make a donation, and click here if you’d like to read the entire history of our thrift stores.

Our four thrift stores are in downtown Campinas. They are located in four strategic areas that have a great flow of people. They are also near a rich neighborhood, and because of that, we get a lot of high quality donations that can be sent to our children or sold at the thrift stores. Our Brazilian staff calls our thrift stores by the names of the Avenues or Streets. But our clients know them by “Bazares Esperanca” (Hope Thrift Stores).

Thrift store
Thrift store

We have 11 people working at the thrift stores, and we sell clothes for all ages, home appliances, electronics, children toys, decoration materials and construction tools. However, women’s clothing and accessories are the most popular. All donated items go through a sorting process before they are placed in our stores for sale, so our customers can only purchase quality products.

Everything we sell come from donations except for candy, ice cream, beverages, and food items. These we purchase at wholesale price and sell them to our customers. However, at our new coffee shop, we sell donuts, brownies and other delicious foods that are made by our Culinary Arts and Bakery Course students.

Thrift store and Café Social

Thrift Stores

Thrift store

We started a “project” of what would become our thrift stores in December of 2002 in which we sold clothes only for our staff every Friday, and on Saturdays we sold them for the local community next to the City of Youth campus. Nearly 17 years later, we run four thrift stores that generate over 30% of our Brazilian income. We just opened a coffee shop in May 2019, and there are plans to open a fifth store (the first in Vitória!) in the near future. We are grateful for all donations of gently used clothing, costume jewelry, and eyeglasses. Contact us if you’d like to make a donation, and click here if you’d like to read the entire history of our thrift stores.

Thrift store

Our four thrift stores are in downtown Campinas. They are located in four strategic areas that have a great flow of people. They are also near a rich neighborhood, and because of that, we get a lot of high quality donations that can be sent to our children or sold at the thrift stores. Our Brazilian staff calls our thrift stores by the names of the Avenues or Streets. But our clients know them by “Bazares Esperanca” (Hope Thrift Stores).

Thrift store

We have 11 people working at the thrift stores, and we sell clothes for all ages, home appliances, electronics, children toys, decoration materials and construction tools. However, women’s clothing and accessories are the most popular. All donated items go through a sorting process before they are placed in our stores for sale, so our customers can only purchase quality products.

Thrift store and Café Social

Everything we sell come from donations except for candy, ice cream, beverages, and food items. These we purchase at wholesale price and sell them to our customers. However, at our new coffee shop, we sell donuts, brownies and other delicious foods that are made by our Culinary Arts and Bakery Course students.

Get Involved

You can provide a home, a family, and a future for a child of the streets.

Here are some practical examples:

  • $25 – new student welcome kit
  • $45 – transportation for one vocational student
  • $75 – birthday celebration for three students
  • $100 – course supplies for an entire vocational class

Change a life today, and the impact will last for generations.

Contact Us