Fall 2021 kicks off Hope Unlimited for Children’s 30th Anniversary!  In celebration, we are looking back over 30 years of answered prayers…Stay tuned for more information, something special is coming in 2022!
Join us for a virtual gala full of fun and reflection!  Email amber@hopeunlimited.org for more information.
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What is it?

Each year in the Fall, for the 30 days leading up to Orphan Sunday, we invite our supporters, partners, donors, and friends to set aside a few minutes each day to read excerpts out of life in Brazil, from the campuses of the City of Youth and Hope Mountain. We call it 30 Days of Prayer. Each day there is a scripture, a story, and a prayer from a person or situation in Brazil. They are real stories. They are sincere prayers. We share them with you in hopes that you will join us in prayer before God our Father.

Why should I pray?

As you pray each day, you become a member of the Hope family. You share our burdens, worries, praises and petitions! It is our hope, as the Hope staff, that God uses each of the 30 reflections not only to challenge many hearts and to raise awareness for orphans and vulnerable children, but also to encourage everyone to join us in prayerful supplication for each day’s specific request.

You are our friends and loved ones, and many of you have been investing in the lives of these children for years. If you don’t pray, who will?

Praying Together

Save the Date

In 2020, 30 Days of Prayer will begin on October 10. You can sign-up here to receive the prayers in your inbox each morning.

After nearly 30 years in ministry, there is one thing we know: God expects us to pray, and He answers our prayers. Will you pray with us?

For prayers from 2019, click here.

30 Days of Prayer

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What is it?

Each year in the Fall, for the 30 days leading up to Orphan Sunday, we invite our supporters, partners, donors, and friends to set aside a few minutes each day to read excerpts out of life in Brazil, from the campuses of the City of Youth and Hope Mountain. We call it 30 Days of Prayer. Each day there is a scripture, a story, and a prayer from a person or situation in Brazil. They are real stories. They are sincere prayers. We share them with you in hopes that you will join us in prayer before God our Father.

Why should I pray?

As you pray each day, you become a member of the Hope family. You share our burdens, worries, praises and petitions! It is our hope, as the Hope staff, that God uses each of the 30 reflections not only to challenge many hearts and to raise awareness for orphans and vulnerable children, but also to encourage everyone to join us in prayerful supplication for each day’s specific request.

You are our friends and loved ones, and many of you have been investing in the lives of these children for years. If you don’t pray, who will?

Praying Together

Save the Date

In 2020, 30 Days of Prayer will begin on October 10. You can sign-up here to receive the prayers in your inbox each morning.

After nearly 30 years in ministry, there is one thing we know: God expects us to pray, and He answers our prayers. Will you pray with us?

For prayers from 2019, click here.